Chapter Three-How To Master Word Association Test
In this chapter you will discover how Factor 1 is evaluated in the Word Association Test. Learn what kind of words appear to assess this crucial factor and how to craft effective responses.
Factor 1
Let us understand how the board will try to gauge Factor 1 of the candidate through the psychology tests. As mentioned earlier, Word Association Test, has a well-balanced mix of words belonging to all the four Factors. So if the board has to gauge Factor 1 of the candidate, then what kind of words are displayed? In order to check Factor 1, words like ‘agree, disagree and solve’ will get displayed. How are they connected to Factor 1? Well, that is easy to understand. If you agree or disagree with something, there is a strong reason and logic behind it. Hence, it relates to the quality of Reasoning Ability. We know that Reasoning Ability comes under Factor 1. Similarly, if we have to solve something, we are required to use intelligence. Intelligence comes under Factor 1.
For gauging Factor 1 of the candidate, what kind of images are displayed during Thematic Apperception Test? One of the most common images that is displayed to gauge Factor 1 is that of a boy studying, a book open in front of him and lamp lit on the study table. To ensure that you realize that the scene is of late night, there is generally a wall clock shown in the background displaying time of 1 o’clock or 2 o’clock. The fact that it is not 1 pm or 2 pm and is actually 1 am or 2 am is made clear by the lamp which is on. Naturally, we won’t need a lamp at 1 pm! So this image makes it clear that the boy is putting in a lot of effort to prepare for some exam. Maybe he is preparing for 10th or 12th board or probably NDA written or IIT-JEE or something similar. The story is ideally supposed to revolve around how he will prepare for that particular exam. Based on how the story is written, the assessor will get a clear understanding of the way the candidate will prepare for the exam and thereby it will reveal qualities like organising ability and effective intelligence in a very clear way. Both of these qualities belong to Factor 1.
For gauging Factor 1 in the Situation Reaction Tests, what kind of a situation can be put across to the candidate? A simple situation like ‘He is told to organise a cleanliness drive. He will’ comes under Factor 1. The word ‘organise’ is itself used in the situation thereby making it amply clear that the quality of ‘Organising Ability’ is being checked through the candidate’s response to the Situation.
I am sure, now it must be clear to you how all the 3 tests are gauging the same qualities in the candidate and are completely interlinked.